Randall Boleyn
Author, Artisan
Words that Transcend.
Stories that Resonate
Discover an accomplished author
with three captivating novels

From Reader to Thriller Author
Thriller novels ignited Randall Boleyn's passion for adventure and diverse cultures. His international business career added a unique perspective. Now, as an author, Randall crafts gripping stories, mirroring the excitement he once found as a reader. Currently based in the Blue Ridge Mountains, he's onto his fourth novel, ready to transport readers on another thrilling journey.
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Llad Fleck becomes involved in a murder mystery that changes his life in a very unpredictable way. Mr. Boleyn does an outstanding job of leading the reader through a story sure to keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Numerous twists and turns provide a suspenseful backdrop making this hard to put down until the surprising finish.
Praise & Reviews
3.0 out of 5 stars Pretty good read...
(I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.)
I was waffling back and forth over whether to leave a 3- or 4-star review. While I enjoyed this book, and think that it was interesting, it also needed another editorial pass, as well as some copy editing. But let me start with what I enjoyed.
The book starts off with some great action, and an interesting premise. Lladnar Fleck is a teenage kid who is really good at rugby (points for rugby!), but even his teammates don't know all that much about him. As the story progresses, we learn that although he comes from a bit of a checkered past, he has unique abilities that help him, mystify him, and put his life in danger. I liked how the author got us right into Llad's head, and brought his story to life. I also appreciated the fact that Llad didn't learn about his power and then suddenly, magically learn how to control it perfectly. Rather, it takes him a while, and he makes some really bad mistakes along the way. The author has also set up a nice cast of surrounding characters who are vivid and different. Even the antagonist and his circle of minions were well-developed. I thought this was a great premise for a long-running series, with lots of rich territory for development.
That said, there were some areas that I had a really hard time getting through. After that excellent opening, the next large portion of the book is an exposition dump, where instead of being drawn forward through the action, we are forced to sit back and learn through dialogue a good portion of the past of the main character. This was a recurring problem - a lot of the good action happened "off-stage", so to speak, including Llad's journey to East to study with Master Tenzin. Instead, the narrative jumps forward in time and the next time we meet up with him, he is in York, apparently trying to master his abilities, although mostly we see him winning at rugby and having sex with willing, hot women. This leaves a lot of questions unanswered, and left me wondering a lot about the motivations of the character, and what was really going on with the powers that he seemed to be able to deploy.
That said, I still enjoyed the novel. I thought the characters of Judge Brite and Lyon were great, as well as Blau, the hapless minion. The author had a few really good one-liners that were zing-y and funny. I would recommend it, and would be interested in seeing what happens next.
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4.0 out of 5 stars Good Book!
I received this ebook free from the author. I was not asked to write a positive review. The opinions are my own. Receiving a complimentary ecopy did not affect my review of this book.
What a fast-paced paranormal adventure story! It opens with a formerly homeless teenager playing rugby in a men’s team. He lives with an old women who has given him shelter. But there is more to it than that. Oh, so much more! Llad goes from a teen having fun outplaying all of the men in the rugby league to someone with so much more ahead for him (lots of paranormal stuff, and lots of danger). Along the way, he picks up several people who try to help him – like the old woman. Some he runs across on his own, and some who are sent his way.
Despite being a fast-paced story with lots and lots of action, there are some very slow parts. These are needed to explain things to Llad (and the reader) as to how and why and what very special gifts he has. But, somehow, these explanations are always cut short, at inopportune moments, or are so vague I wasn’t sure what was going on. And Llad himself just never seems to “catch on” to what is going on, what he needs to do, how to really use his gifts, or even what they are all about. I kept wanting to shout at him, “JUST LISTEN!!” so I would get to read the explanations. But, no, Llad’s temper tends to get in the way so he ends up doing everything the hard way.
Despite my frustration, I really enjoyed this book. It was well written. All of the characters were well-rounded and very believable. I was just as drawn to Llad as were his friends and mentors. I enjoyed those secondary characters as well. There are also some bad characters I really didn’t like, who do the bidding of one very nasty character. That one is evil, just pure evil.
The book kept my interest the entire way through. I did keep waiting for more info to come out, but I didn’t really get much. And suddenly, the book was finished…. Yup, left hanging. I guess I will have to get the next book to find out more!